How My Clean Shaved Look Bowled My Classmate in College !

I saw her on the first day of the engineering college. As soon as I saw her, I had a crush on her ! Fortunate me, she was my classmate .But whenever I saw in her eyes, her eyes moved from me to another direction. I knew she liked me too but no matter how much I tried to talk to her, she ignored me. I wanted to ask her but not having the courage to do so,I completely leave the idea and completely dropped the idea of impressing her. Even being in the same class, I completely ignored her.

                 One day, when I was in canteen having lunch, I heard her saying to her friend :" He is so arrogant now-a-days .I like Tarun but don’t know how to talk to him. His stubble is always there that stops me from talking to him.”
               I was like : “Oh man! I thought woman like those stubble.That was my stubble that made her eyes move to another direction from me.” That day as soon as I reached home, I used razor and shaved my stubble.
                      Next day, I found her sitting beneath Banyan tree in college premises and as soon as she saw me, she asked me to accompany her to the photocopy shop for Xerox. In the way, we were talking about here and there. Eventually I asked for a movie on Sunday and to my excitement, she said “Yes, why not ?” . I think “ My clean shaven look bowled her over “.
              Now I think “Had I shaved that stubble earlier, she would have been bowled earlier instead of hitting fours and sixes on my bowls.”
This post is a part of the Protest against Smelly Stubble Activity in association with Blogadda, India's favorite Blogging Community.

I am accepting knitha.urs’s tag and writing this post in response to the same.

I would like to tag knitha.urs, Vandana Choudhary,Umamaheswari, Heena Shah-Dhedhi and Bhumika in this post.


  1. Well written post!
    I have tagged you in my post The Birthday Gift and I hope you will acknowledge it :)

    1. I am tagging you in this post too and hope you will acknowledge it :)

  2. Great post Tarun. Accepted your tag on this post. and tagged you too.
    Please accept my tag in your next post.

  3. Nice post Tarun, We shall tag each other in our upcoming posts and respond, what say?

    Here's my blog

    1. Thanks Priyanka. Yeah you can tag me.Currently I have 3 tags pending.In my 8th post,I will acknowledge your tag.

    2. Hi Tarun, i have tagged u here

      Do acknowledge my tag and feel free to tag me in your posts. i shall be more than happy to acknowledge it

  4. Nice post Tarun!
    I have accepted your tag :) :) The Marriage Conversation Good day!

    1. Thanks for the comment and also for accepting my tag :)


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