5 Special Gifts Everyone Should Gift Their Child for a Secure Future

As the Christmas was on the way,there were many decorations going on everywhere.On Christmas eve,while going on the road,Chetan saw a poster about the 5 special gifts you want to gift your child with for a secure future.
Then he boarded the Metro and in the whole journey,he was thinking about that poster. Actually the reason was the pregnancy of her wife and the child was expected to born around January.The best 5 gifts that came to his mind were :

1) Love : It is one feeling that everyone should give to their children by giving birth to them even if she is a girl child. Love is essential in every life and every parent(mother or father) should make sure to be with their child everytime and bless with their love.

2) Moral Values : These will help a child to become responsible to his doings and he wiil treat everyone as equal.

3) Education : It is the best gift that remains with children for their lifetime and help them in every aspect of their life.

4) Health : Parents should make sure that their child is healthy so he/she can be able to live life peacefully.

5) Children Insurance : With the inflation,it will be very costly for the current day parents to complete the dreams and ambitions of their children.Consider this -a 4 year engineering degree at a leading engineering institution within India today would cost you at least Rs 10 lakhs. At an inflation of rate of 5%, this amount would grow to approximately Rs. 26 Lakhs after 20 years when your child will be eligible for an B.Tech course.So an insurance policy will make sure that your child gets the proper chance and be in race for a great career.Insurance will also help in their marriage.
           Chetan was happy that he came across that poster.

This post is a part of the 1001 Gifts Activity by HDFC Life in association with BlogAdda.


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